Charlotte had a big party (as you all know) last weekend for her second birthday (our first birthday WITH her). As you can tell, she (and the other kids) had a blast!
Nico, Charlotte and Sidney:

Parachute fun:

And it was so beautiful out - and there was tons of space to run around:

Charlotte with my Mom:

Kira playing in leaves:

Mallory being cute:

Amelia the BFF:

How cute is Trevor?

The twins checking out the cake:

Maddy and the soccer ball:

My nephew Jake and Nico:

Olivia is not sure what to make of the crazy lady with the camera:

Charlotte and Adam's Mom in a stare-off (which turned into many giggles after I took the photo):

Charlotte and Cooper checking out one of the collages I made (there were 6 collages):

Charlotte getting a birthday hug from Elise:

Charlotte checking out Nicholas' new baby brother Andrew:

Samantha holding one of the party favors that went to all the girls (in assorted colors). The boys got monster stuff.

Charlotte with Leslie:

Cake time (one of our friends - Julie - from the MINI Cooper club made the cake and 24 yellow and blue cupcakes)...

Gift time!:

I love the way Nicholas is looking at Charlotte here:

Can you tell that she loves presents?

Who knew how much fun laundry baskets could be? (the basket is what I used to transport the flower favors to the party in):

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

Just one more - this was from later that night (since we forgot to get one of all three of us at her party):

That looks like so much fun! I wish I was there! haha just kidding. It was such a lovely day, wasn't it?? She handled all the excitement, attention and other kids opening her presents with such grace! :)